University of Michigan

Issuer Overview
University of Michigan

Issuer Type: Higher Education


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Issuer Overview
University of Michigan

Issuer Type: Higher Education


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On behalf of the University of Michigan, I would like to welcome you to our investor relations website. We appreciate your interest in U-M bonds. Your investment in us allows the university to make critical investments for the benefit of our students, employees, patients, and communities. We are committed to maintaining transparency, prioritized decision making, and a strong financial profile while leveraging the power of U-M's resources to advance education, research, patient care, and the improvement of circumstances here and around the globe. This comprehensive investor website is one of the many ways we are working towards those objectives.

We hope you find this website useful as you seek to better understand the credit fundamentals of the University of Michigan. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with questions or suggestions on how we might make the website even more useful to you. Thank you again for your interest in the university’s bond program.

Geoffrey Chatas, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer